- Artists
- woman artists
- a patriarchical culture
- woman artists
- obscurity
- such artists
- -white male-
- by woman artists
- women artists, art historians, and cultural critics
- male forebears
- contemporary woman artists
- contemporary feminist artists
- by women
- through the father
- some fathers
- mega-fathers
- Marcel Duchamp,
- Andy Warhol,
- Joseph Beuys,
- mega-sons
- Jasper Johns
- Robert Rauschenberg
- Picasso
- a favored father
- more "feminine" fathers
- -Bonnard
- Matisse
- mega-fathers
- Johns
- Duchamp
- Baudelaire,
- Benjamin,
- Brecht,
- Beckett,
- Barthes,
- and Baudrillard,
- Jacques Derrida,
- Sigmund Freud,
- Michel Foucault,
- and Jacques Lacan
- Victorian
- Sherlock Holmes
- male and female,
- white and nonwhite,
- straight and gay,
- to male or female artists and authors
- various male and female authors
- I
- I
- my
- at least one other artist or author
- to the artist
- men
- men
- , women artists
- to men
- of the sire
- of the artist
- Claudia Hart
- Louise Lawler's
- Jasper Johns
- Pollock
- a Miro...
- Her
- Borgesian
- Dan Graham
- Duchamp
- Chales Hagan
- of Rebecca Purdum's
- J.M.W. Turner,
- Claude Monet,
- and Henry Moore,
- Lois E. Nesbitt
- Judy Ledgerwood's
- Mark Rothko, Johns, Peter Halley,
- and, finally, April Gornik
- Purdum
- Ledgerwood's
- Women artists
- male artists-
- woman artists
- of a male artist,
- a male artist's
- a female forbear
- Robert Morris
- Donald Kuspit
- Pepe Karmel
- Kuspit
- Morris and Karmel
- by women artists
- Morris
- Hannah Wilke.
- to fathers
- Christopher Lyons
- Kiki Smith
- Smith's
- the living body
- Smith
- art by women
- Nancy Spero
- Eva Hesse
- Lyons
- Smith's
- the body
- the various organs of social control
- Smith
- Smith's
- Smith's
- daughterhood
- to a parent
- Smith's
- Lyon's
- Nancy Spero rather than Andy Warhol
- Tricia Collins and Richard Milazzo
- Collins and Milazzo and Stux
- Annette Lemieux,
- the Starn Twins,
- and Nancy Shaver, among others
- Rauschenberg and Johns
- Cézanne, Duchamp
- Rauschenberg, and Johns
- "The 'Body' is frozen in Cézanne
- in Duchamp")
- Mary Kelly
- philosophers such as Luce Irigaray
- on each individual artist
- men
- to men
- the Starn Twins
- "Rembrandt, Picasso and the Mona Lisa"
- the women
- Suzan Etkin's
- her
- her own body as a woman
- the body of a Woman
- from the male artist
- from an artist
- she
- Yves Klein."
- one
- Klein's
- naked women,
- onlookers?
- Holt Quentel's
- the other male artists in the exhibition
- by women,
- of women
- Sonia Delauney?
- Lee Bontecou?
- Betsy Ross
- Lemieux,
- Lemieux's
- female
- Meg Webster's
- Nature
- Collins and Milazzo
- Scott Hanson
- to Rauschenberg,
- Ross Blechner
- Robert Gober.
- Ana Mendieta,
- Michelle Stuart,
- Nancy Holt,
- Alice Aycock,
- many other women artists
- Lucy Lippard's
- Collins and Milazzo's
- art-star
- Critics and dealers
- male artists
- all women artists
- a male
- many women artists
- male forbears
- male critics
- about women artists
- artists, critics and curators
- no women artists or writers
- of women
- Collins and Milazzo
- ARE women
- Brian Wallis
- Rosalind Krauss,
- Abigail Soloman-Godeau,
- Mary Kelly,
- Lucy Lippard,
- Laura Mulvey,
- Constance Penly,
- Kate Linker,
- and Kathy Acker
- authors
- male visual artists, writers and critics
- to Duchamp
- Warhol,
- Adorno,
- Baudelaire,
- Benjamin,
- Brecht.
- Twenty-seven women
- writers and theorists,
- male
- Griseld Pollock's
- Brechtian
- Pollock
- with the boys,"
- the "boys."
- Silvia Kolbowski,
- Barbara Kruger,
- Sherrie Levine,
- Yve Lomax,
- Marie Yates,
- Mary Kelly
- Pollock
- Brechtian
- by Brecht
- Peter Wollen
- Steven Heath
- Pollock
- Brechtian
- Kelly's
- Lacan
- Brechtian
- Brecht's
- Wollen
- not Woman or women
- which women
- Brechtian
- Brechtian
- a male system
- the woman artist
- her mega-father
- Guerrilla Girl:
- women artist
- to women artists, writers, and theorists.
- Guerrilla Girls
- women artists
- one Jasper Johns
- ARE mothers
- of fathers
- no sane woman
- a painter and a critic I
- a matrilineage and a sisterhood
- Frida Kahlo,
- Charlotte Salomon,
- Florine Stettheimer,
- Miriam Schapiro,
- Pat Steir,
- Ida Applebroog,
- Elizabeth Murray,
- Ana Mendieta,
- Louise Bourgeois,
- Charlotte Bronte,
- Jane Austen,
- Louisa May Alcott,
- Emily Carr,
- Luce Irigaray,
- Griselda Pollock
- Mary Kelly
- Simone de Beauvoir,
- Simone Weil-
- all artists and writers
- the male art system
- with other women
- Guerrilla Girls
- women artists
- an art history major
- these artists
- women's
- the rightish
- the Reagan years
- the art world
- the market
- on women;
- women faculty
- by women artists
- art schools
- on women artists,
- the art student, female or male
- Marceline Duchamp
- some bastards and orphaned daughters
- (and the entire third world)

- diskurs.info
IMPRESSUM/IMPRINT © 2014 Alexis_Knowlton@yahoo.com Schöneweider Strasse 8 12055 Berlin DE +49 017670607953